How to get strong faster in Rise of Civiliztions
Hello guys, I have been playing Rise of Civilizations for a long time now and today I am going to share some tips on how to get strong faster. So, let's get started... If you have just started the game, you should remember the below points. Join the strong alliance: Joining the strong alliance will ensure you good resources and protect you from getting attacked. Level-Up commanders: Focus on leveling up commanders because increasing commander's level will increase you army capacity which is very important in this game. Choose correct talent for each commander: The outcome of a fight is mostly decided by the talents equipped by the commander. So choosing correct talent is the core to win the fight. Keep training troops: Train as much troop as possible. You will need troops to defend, attack and even for rallies to capture altar and sanctums. Don't upgrade every building: You may have constructed around three to four farm and quarry to complete t...